
Saturday, 5 October 2013


         They are containers of classes and interfaces in Java. 

         In general packages contains group of similar things wrapped together.  In below diagram you can see different packages containing different things. One package contains pens and the other package contains books. We group similar things and keep them in packages because it will be easy for us to maintain them. 


   In Java, packages are used to group similar classes and interfaces together so that it will be easy for us to maintain them. Other than maintenance, packages in Java have many other advantages.

Advantage in using packages:

1.     Maintaining applications having many classes and interface becomes easy by using packages.

2.     Sometimes it will be a requirement/convenience to have two or more classes with same name. In such situations you can use packages to prevent the collision between same names of the classes.

3.     Packages provide both naming and access controlling.

Packages can be of three types in Java:

1.     Built-in Packages: These packages are provided in JDK itself. For example java.lang, java.util, java.awt, etc.

2.     Default Packages: When you don’t specify a name to the packages of a class then that package is called default package.

3.     User-defined Packages: These kinds of packages are created by user itself to group classes and interfaces. The below discussion is based on user-defined interfaces.

Note: Now-a-days every programmer will use IDEs like eclipse, etc to develop java programs and applications. You can easily create classes, interfaces, packages, etc using these IDEs.

How to create user-defined packages?

         The package command is used to create user-defined packages, as shown in the general form below.

                 package pck1.[.pck2[.pck3]] ;

         Here, pck1, pck2 and pck3 are names given to the packages. You can provide your own names. 

         In the above general form the names pck2 and pck3 are optional only used when you want to create multi-leveled packages. 

         In the below programming example you can see how a package ‘blog.CJME4U’ is specified to a class X. The package statement is the first line in the program source file.

package blog.CJME4U; // blog.CJME4U is the package of class X

public class X


  int a;

  private int b;



  void addMethod(int a,int b)



              System.out.println("Am addMethod in class X");

              System.out.println("addition result "+(a+b));



         In the windows OS environment, the package statement ‘package blog.CJME4U’ will created two folders, the blog folder and the CJME4U folder inside the blog folder. The class X source file is placed within the CJME4U folder. 


Access Controlling Mechanism: 

         The Java provides access controlling mechanism by using packages. There are four types of access specifiers in Java, public, private, default and protected. Using this access specifiers and packages together, the visibility of classes and their data members can be controlled as follows.

1.     Anything that is declared public can be accessed by any code within the package and also outside the package.

2.     Anything declared private cannot be accessed outside its class.

3.     Members with no explicit access specifiers i.e. default, can only be accessed by subclasses and the other classes in the same package.

4.     Any member declared protected can be accessed within its package by every code and also outside its package by only the direct subclasses.

        Consider the below table to understand and remember the access controlling easily. 

Visibility/Access Specifiers




Same Class/Within the class
Same Package’s Subclass
SamePackage’s Non-Subclass
Different Package’s Subclass
DifferentPackage’s Non-Subclass

Note: A non-nested class can have only two access levels i.e. public and default.

         The classes present in the different packages can be accessed by the following two ways,

1.     By using import command.

2.     By using fully qualified package name of class.

         In the below example program you can see that package ‘myBlog.Core.Java’ of class Y is imported into the class X present in the other package ‘blog.CJME4U’

Note: Always read the commented green lines in every program examples mentioned in CJME4U, they are very important to understand the concepts and programs.

package myBlog.Core.Java; // package of class Y

public class Y


  public int z=10; // variable z is made public so that it is visible outside the package.


  void addmethod()


              System.out.println("Add result from class in different package "+(z+10));




// next class X starts

package blog.CJME4U;

import myBlog.Core.Java.Y; // import is used to access class Y from other package.

public class X


  int a=20;

  int b=30;



  void addMethod(int z)


              int sum=a+b;

              System.out.println("add result "+(sum+z));



  public static void main(String[] args)


             X x1=new X();

             Y y1=new Y(); // object of class from different package accessed by using import command


             int a=y1.z=10;// variable of class Y from different package is initialized.







           The above program example is rewritten by using fully qualified package name of class Y. So that we can access class Y’s public members within class X present in other package. Only class X is rewritten with public qualified package name of class Y to access it within the class X.

package blog.CJME4U;

import myBlog.Core.Java.Y;

public class X


  int a=20;

  int b=30;



  void addMethod(int z)


              int sum=a+b;

              System.out.println("add result "+(sum+z));



  public static void main(String[] args)


             X x1=new X();


             // note fully qualified name is used

             myBlog.Core.Java.Y y1=new Y(); // object of class from different package accessed by using fully qualified name.


             int a=y1.z=10;// variable of class Y from different package is initialized.








Note: Always read the commented green lines in every program examples mentioned in CJME4U, they are very important to understand the concepts and programs.