
Monday, 30 September 2013

Inner Class, Public, Private and Static

                   My previous post was on Overloading and argument passing in Java. Today in this post I will explain nested and inner class concepts of Java. Before taking on the nested and inner class concepts I would like to brief you on the Java’s keywords, public, private and static

Note: The Instance-variables and methods, both together are referred as class members. 

Public Keyword: When a public keyword is specified on any class member then that class member can be accessed directly by any code within the class and also outside the class by creating instance of that class. 

                   The below code fragment shows you the declaration of public variables and methods.

                    public int a=20; // public variable
                    public char ch;  //public variable
                    public int additionMethod (int a, int b) // public method
                        return a+b;
                    Public variables and methods are declared by using keyword public as shown in above code fragment. 

Private Keyword: When private keyword is specified on any class member then that class member can only be accessed within its class and not possible to access it outside the class.

                    It possible to get and set the private variables values only if the class containing the private variables contains getter and setter methods. 

                    The below example show you, how to declare a private variables and methods. It also shows the use of getter and setter methods.

package sample.example1627;

public class SamplePrivateKeyword
   private int a=20;
   int b;
   private int additionMethod(int x,int y)
               return a+b;
   void invokeAdditionMethod()
               int s=additionMethod(20, 30);
               System.out.println("value returned by addtionMethod is "+s);

   public int getA()
            return a;

   public void setA(int a)
            this.a = a;

package sample.example1627;

public class DemoSamplePrivateKeyword
  public static void main(String[] args)
             SamplePrivateKeyword sample1=new SamplePrivateKeyword();
             //sample1.a; // a is not visible because it is private
             //sample1.additionMethod(2,4);  is not visible because method is private

             // Using getter and setter
             int getvar=sample1.getA(); //implemented getter method
             System.out.println("get value by getter method "+getvar);
             sample1.setA(50);// implemented setter method
             //after setting private variable a
             System.out.println("value of private variable a, after using setter method "+sample1.getA());


get value by getter method 20
value of private variable a, after using setter method 50

value returned by addtionMethod is 70

                 In the above example program you can clear see how private keyword is essential in hiding data of your class from other classes. You can also see in the output how the private variable value is assessed by getter method and value of private variable ‘a’ is set using setter methods. 

Note: Class and interfaces cannot be private.

Static Keyword: Static keyword is used to create class members that can be accessed by itself without can requirement of object reference. Static class members can be accessed before the creation of any instance of the class. 

                  Static keyword is used in Java, in three circumstances
1.     To create Static Variables
2.     To create Static Method
3.     To create static block of codes.

Static Variables: Static variables are declared using static keyword. See code fragment below showing the static variable declaration. 

                                     static int a=10;

          Some important facts to remember: 

a)     Static variables are initialized only once at the beginning of the execution.

b)     Static variables can be used before any instance of class is created.

c)     Static variables can be accessed directly without using any instance of class by using only class name.

Static Methods: The methods are defined with the static keyword. The below mentioned are the restrictions on static methods.

a)     Static method can only call other static methods.

b)    Static methods can only access static data.

c)     Static method cannot refer to ‘this’ or ‘super’ keywords.

Static Block: A block in java that is used to initialize the static data members of a class. When class will be first loaded to JVM, static block will be executed. The static block syntax is shown be in code fragment below.

                        static {
                                       // body of block

             The example program shows you how static keyword is implemented in java. All the three circumstance in which static keywords is used is illustrated in the program example below.

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleStaticKeyword
   static int a;
   static int b;
   static void Addition(int a,int b)// static method
               System.out.println("Addition result "+(a+b));
   static    // static block
              System.out.println("am static block");
              System.out.println("a & b static variable initialized in static block, "+a+" "+b);

package sample.example1627;

public class DemoSampleStaticKeyword
   public static void main(String[] args)
              //to access static method object is not required
               SampleStaticKeyword.Addition(16, 27);

am static block
a & b static variable initialized in static block, 10 20
Addition result 43

                      In above example program you can see that static method code is placed before the static block code. But in the output you can see that static block is executed first. This is because static block will be executed first when the class is first loaded to JVM. 

Nested and Inner Classes in Java: 

                     A class defined within another class is called nested class. The scope of nested class is defined by its’ enclosing class. 

                     A nested class can directly access all the class members include private members of its’ enclosing class. But enclosing class cannot access the class members of the nested class directly. In order to access it you should create instance of the nested class. 

                     There are two types of nested class:
1.     Static
2.     Non-static

Static nested class is the one with static modifier applied to it. It cannot access enclosing class members directly. In order to access it, instance of enclosing class has to be created. Static nested classes are not often used. 

Non-static nested class is important nested class which is very often used. Inner class is a non-static nested class
                 An inner class can access all the class members of its’ enclosing class directly, even the private members of its’ enclosing class. 

                 The below example program shows the implementation of inner class in java

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleInnerClass
    int a=10;
    private int b;
    class InnerClass
            int c=20;
            void addtion(int a,int b)// inner class method
                        System.out.println("addition result in inner class "+(a+b));
            //java block, creating a scope.
            // you can see that inner class can access class members of enclosing class directly.
                        b=20;// initializing private variable of enclosing class.
                        System.out.println("value of variable a&b of enclosing class "+a+" "+b);
    void invokeInnerMethod()
            InnerClass inner=new InnerClass();
            inner.addtion(20, 30);
    public static void main(String[] args)
               SampleInnerClass sample1=new SampleInnerClass();

value of variable a&b of enclosing class 10 20
addition result in inner class 50

Note: The scope of inner class is delimited by the scope of its’ enclosing class. Therefore accessing of inner class outside its’ enclosing class is not possible directly. In order to access you have refer the inner class by its enclosing class. The following code fragment shows how it is implemented, enclosingClassname.innerClassname.