I previously have blogged on Class in Java. We know class contains instance-variables and
methods. Both together are called as class members. A class also contains
constructors. Before going to constructor we will see, what is method in Java?
I guess many of you are familiar with subroutines in C/C++. Subroutines are
small codes which are called when you want to execute the business logic
present in it. This is in C/C++. When it comes to Java, we have methods to
perform the task of subroutines in C/C++. The Java makes, methods more flexible
and efficient.
Methods contain code or business logic which is used
when there is requirement. There are four varieties of methods mention below:
1. Methods with no parameter and no
return type.
2. Methods with no parameter and have a
return type.
3. Methods with parameter and no return
4. Methods with both parameter and
return type.
General Syntax:
//body of method
The type of the method may be any primitive
data types or class type. The name
is the method name given to method. If method has no type, then void keyword has to be mentioned in the
place of type in the general syntax. The void
type means that method will not return any value.
Let us see a
simple example program. Where we will create a rectangle class which implements
method to calculate its area.
package sample.example1627;
public class Rectangle
double length;
double breadth;
double Area()
return length*breadth;
package sample.example1627;
public class WorkingRectangle
public static void main(String[] args)
Rectangle rectangle1=new Rectangle(); // object created
rectangle2=new Rectangle(); // object created
rectangle1.length=50; // initializing variable
rectangle1.breadth=60; // initializing variable
rectangle2.length=100; // initializing variable
rectangle2.breadth=200; // initializing variable
System.out.println("Area of rectangle
object1 "+rectangle1.Area());
System.out.println("Area of rectangle
object2 "+rectangle2.Area());
of rectangle object1 3000.0
Area of rectangle
object2 20000.0
the below diagram illustrating method calling.
A calling code when executed,
makes call to the specified method, that is present in same class or the method
present in the different class. The control is transferred to the method and
the code present in the body of the method is executed. If the method has a
return type then the value obtained after execution and the control both are
transferred to the calling code. If suppose method has no return type than
simply control is transferred to the calling code.
Constructors in Java:
Consider a circumstances
where a class has many instance-variables say more than 20 or 30 or more. In
such case it will be tiresome job to initialize instance-variables each time an
object is created. To avoid tediousness in this kind of circumstances, java
provides us with constructors.
A constructor when
defined in a class, initializes objects of its class as soon as a new one is
created. So that code creating an object will immediately get fully initialized
object for use.
Constructor as the
same name as that of the class. It will have no return type because class
itself is the implicit return type of the constructor.
Constructor can be of
two varieties:
1. Constructor without parameters.
2. Constructor with parameters.
Example program implementing a parametrized
package sample.example1627;
public class EmployeesDetails
String emp_id;
String first_name;
String last_name;
String DOB;
String profile;
double salary;
String email_id;
public EmployeesDetails(String emp_id, String first_name, String
dOB, String profile, double salary, String email_id)
this.emp_id = emp_id;
this.first_name = first_name;
this.last_name = last_name;
DOB = dOB;
this.profile = profile;
this.salary = salary;
this.email_id = email_id;
package sample.example1627;
public class EmployeeDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
EmployeesDetails rama=new EmployeesDetails("EMP0010", "Rama", "Roy", "10-01-1988", "Manager", 30000, "ramaroy@gmail.com");
EmployeesDetails raju=new EmployeesDetails("EMP0011", "Raju", "Mohan", "16-04-1989", "Assitant Manager", 25000, "rajusukla@gmail.com");
// display rama's details
System.out.println("Employee ID:
"+rama.first_name+" "+rama.last_name);
System.out.println("Profile of Rama:
System.out.println("Salary of Rama:
//display raju's details
System.out.println("Employee ID:
"+raju.first_name+" "+rama.last_name);
System.out.println("Profile of Rama:
System.out.println("Salary of Rama:
Note: You can see the use of this keyword in above program. The ‘this’ keyword can be used to refer to
the current object. In above program this
is used to avoid conflict between the class variables and that of the
parameters of constructors.