
Monday, 30 September 2013

Variable-Length Arguments (Varargs)

          Sometimes there will be a requirement in which methods have to take variable number of arguments. In JDK 5 a feature is introduced which helps to create this kind of methods (that take variable number of arguments) easily. This new feature introduced in JDK 5 is called Varargs or Variable-length arguments. A method that takes variable number arguments is called a variable argument method or simply varargs method.

           The varargs method is implemented using the following general syntax:

                          type MethodName(type…variableName)
                                //body of method

            For example see the below code fragment: 

                           int VarargMethod (int … v)
                                //body of method

Points to remember while implementing Varargs method: 

1.     The Varargs methods can be overloaded. When implementing varargs method with multiple parameter then you should always place variable parameter at the end of the parameter list. For example see the below code fragment.
          double VarargMethod (int a, double b, int … v)
                //body of method

2.     There must be only one variable argument parameter in a method. More than one varargs parameter is not allowed in any method. 
             The below example program shows implementation of Varags methods.

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleVarargs
  int varArg(int...v)
              int sum=0;
             for(int x:v)
                         System.out.println("element of vararg: "+x);
             return sum;

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleVarargsDemo
            public static void main(String[] args)
               int sum;
               SampleVarargs vararg1=new SampleVarargs();
       System.out.println("sum1 "+sum);
       System.out.println("sum2 "+sum);
       System.out.println("sum3 "+sum);


sum1 0
element of vararg: 1
element of vararg: 2
element of vararg: 3
sum2 6
element of vararg: 10
element of vararg: 20
sum3 30

               The example program below shows varargs method overloading

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleVarargOverloading
   double varArgMethod(int...v)
               int mul=1;
               for(int a:v)
                           System.out.println("argument passed "+a);
               return mul;
   void varArgMethod(int a,char b,double...v)
               System.out.println("arguments passed by normal parameter "+a+" & "+b);
               for(double x:v)
                           System.out.println("argument passed by vararg "+x);

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleVarargOverloadingDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
       SampleVarargOverloading varargOv1=new SampleVarargOverloading();
       double mul;
       System.out.println("first vararg method version");
       System.out.println("multiplication return result "+mul);
       System.out.println("second vararg method version");
       varargOv1.varArgMethod(20, 'A', 1.6,3.5,2.55,5.66,8.99);


first vararg method version
argument passed 1
argument passed 2
argument passed 3
argument passed 4
argument passed 5
multiplication return result 120.0

second vararg method version
arguments passed by normal parameter 20 & A
argument passed by vararg 1.6
argument passed by vararg 3.5
argument passed by vararg 2.55
argument passed by vararg 5.66
argument passed by vararg 8.99