
Monday, 30 September 2013

Method & Constructor Overloading and Argument passing in Java.

                   In my previous post I have talk about Methods & Constructors in Java. In this post of mine I will detail on topics, method & constructor overloading and argument passing in Java. If you are a beginner to Java and your search has landed you directly into this page and you think that you have to learn at little more about classes in java before proceeding with this chapter. If so kindly visit the Class of Java page. You want to learn more basics about Java kindly go to bottom of this page there you can find links to my previous pages on basics of java.

Method Overloading:

                     In Java, it is possible for you to define more than one methods within the same class with same name until one condition is satisfied i.e. all these method have different parameter declaration. This kind of method defining in Java is called method overloading. 

                      Before proceeding with method overloading we must know what is the difference between parameters and arguments? 

Parameters are the formal variables defined with the method. Below code fragment shows you example of parameters.
                          int Area(int length, int breadth) //parameters
                                  Return length*breadth;                    
Arguments are the values passed while calling any method. Below code fragment shows you example of arguments.
Ok! Back to method overloading. 

                        When an overloaded method is called by any code, then Java decides which version of the overloaded method to be called, depending on the types of arguments or the number of arguments passed during the call to a overloaded method. 

Note: Method overloading is basically defining more than one method with the same name within the same class and these methods have different parameter declaration, parameters either differ by type or by numbers. 

                You can see below program example on method overloading.

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleOverloadingDemo
            public static void main(String[] args)
             SampleMethodOverloading smp1=new SampleMethodOverloading();
             smp1.addition(20, 30);
             smp1.addition(30.60, 14.56);

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleMethodOverloading
    void addition()
            int a=10;
            int b=20;
            System.out.println("addition in no parameter method "+(a+b));
    void addition(int a,int b)
            int m=a+b;
            System.out.println("addition in parameter method "+m);
    void addition(double a,double b)
            System.out.println("addition in double parameter method "+(a+b));
    void addition(int a)
            System.out.println("addition in addition assignment parameter method "+a);

addition in no parameter method 30
addition in parameter method 50
addition in double parameter method 45.160000000000004
addition in addition assignment parameter method 98

                     In the above program example you can see three different versions of addition methods and their respective outputs are shown. Suppose think that you are writing this same program using a language which will not support method overloading then, you would have to give different names for all the above addition method versions. There is working for you to remember the names of all these methods whenever you need to invoke them again. Now I guess you can conclude how java has helped us with method overloading.    

Constructor Overloading: 

                            I have mentioned in my previous post, Constructors & Methods that you can have more than one constructor in a class. Constructor overloading is same as that of method overloading. You can define more than one constructor within a class with different parameter declaration i.e. parameters may either differ in their types or numbers.

Below is program example implementing constructor overloading.

package sample.example1627;

public class Rectangle
   double length;
   double breadth;
   Rectangle(double length,double breadth)
   double Area()
               return length*breadth;

package sample.example1627;

public class WorkingRectangle
            public static void main(String[] args)
               Rectangle rectangle1=new Rectangle();// object created
       Rectangle rectangle2=new Rectangle(16.27, 27.16);// object created
       System.out.println("Area of rectangle object1 "+rectangle1.Area());
       System.out.println("Area of rectangle object2 "+rectangle2.Area());
Area of rectangle object1 200.0
Area of rectangle object2 441.8932

                In above example you have seen that class rectangle has two constructors one without parameters and other with parameters. Both of these constructors initialize the objects of the class when they are created.

Argument Passing in Java: 

                 If you are a C/C++ programmer then you will be familiar with two ways in which arguments are passed to the subroutine i.e. call-by-value and call-by-reference.

                 Before discussing how arguments are passed in Java? We will see what is call-by-value and call-by-reference? 

 Call-by-value is a way of argument passing in which passed argument is copied into formal parameters of subroutine. Therefore in this approach arguments value are not changed, even if parameter value have change after the execution of subroutine. 

Call-by-reference is a way in which reference of an argument is passed to the subroutine. In this case formal parameters will have the reference to the actual arguments and after execution if value of parameter is changed than the same change is reflected in the argument value also.

                Now back to Java, in Java call-by-value is used to pass primitive types to a method and call-by-reference is used to pass objects to a method

Kindly go through the program example below you will get a brighter idea of the concept how and when java implements call-by-value.

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleMethodOverloading
    int assign(int a,int b)
            return a+b;

package sample.example1627;

public class SampleOverloadingDemo
            public static void main(String[] args)
                        int valreturned;
                        int a=10,b=20;
             SampleMethodOverloading smp1=new SampleMethodOverloading();
             //values of arguments before execution.
             System.out.println("values of arguments before method execution "+a+" "+b);
              valreturned=smp1.assign(a, b);//method calling
              //values of arguments after execution.
              System.out.println("values of arguments after method execution "+a+" "+b);
              System.out.println("value returned by method "+valreturned);


values of arguments before method execution 10 20
values of arguments after method execution 10 20
value returned by method 70

              In the above program example you can see primitive type arguments are passed to the method. Here arguments are passed by call-by-value. You can see value of argument before execution and after execution is one and the same. And the value returned by method is addition of 40 and 30 not 10 and 20. So it’s clear that java uses call-by-value for passing primitive types to methods.

Kindly go through the program example below you will get a brighter idea of the concept how and when java implements call-by-reference.

package sample.example1627;

public class Rectangle
   double length;
   double breadth;
   void Area(Rectangle ob)
               System.out.println("Area "+(ob.length*ob.breadth));

package sample.example1627;

public class WorkingRectangle
            public static void main(String[] args)
               Rectangle r1=new Rectangle();
               //value of argument before execution
               System.out.println("Value of argument before execution "+r1.length+" "+r1.breadth);
       // value of arguemnt after execution
       System.out.println("Value of argument after execution "+r1.length+" "+r1.breadth);


Value of argument before execution 25.0 35.0
Area 2475.0
Value of argument after execution 45.0 55.0

              In the above program example you can see object is passed as the argument to the method. Here values before the execution and after the execution are not the same. You can see both values are different. This is because when object is passed as an argument, then actually it is the reference of the object that is passed to the method. So change in the value of parameters after method execution will also change the actual value of arguments. So it is clear that Java uses call-by-reference when object is passed as the argument to the method.

Note: Method overloading is the one way in which Java supports polymorphism.